Customer case:

Klaipėdos Water relies on Valmet TS for precise measurements at their plant

Mar 18, 2021

Klaipėdos Water (Klaipėdos Vanduo) provides water supply and wastewater treatment services in Klaipėda City and District in Lithuania. In 2020, the average outlet flow was 40320 m3/d of treated water. The plant relies on Valmet Total Solids Measurement (Valmet TS) to measure the moisture of sludge after decanter.

For our need, we saw that other companies did not have good quality measurement equipment of this kind besides Valmet. We installed the Valmet TS and everything works fine and the measurements are precise. Valmet’s solution met our expectations with their good quality equipment.
Miglė Birgėlaitė, Engineer Technologist, Klaipėdos Water


Location Klaipėdos Water, Lithuania
Customer target Need for a precise measurement for moisture of sludge after decanter.
Solution Valmet Total Solids Measurement (Valmet TS), a reliable and accurate microwave real-time measurement to control and optimize the solids treatment process.
Keywords Wastewater, Total Solids, Automation, Europe