Customer case:

Metsä Fibre Kemi mill

Aug 25, 2015

Within the development agreement Metsä Fibre achieved targets regarding energy efficiency, got new air preheaters and reached their targets for better availability of recovery boiler and reduction of emissions.


Long experience of doing performance development with Valmet

Kemi pulp mill was the first Metsä Fibre mill to take long term development agreement into use regarding its recovery boiler and evaporation plant. Starting with automation over ten years ago and later the other offerings were included to the agreement at the beginning of 2008. The agreement is between Metsä Fibre and Valmet*, connecting Valmet's knowledge of technology and automation into the use for Metsä Fibre.

Continuity is the key of the co-operation

Pekka Posti means expert presence at the mill gives all parties security. ´The security that there will be experts at Metsä Fibre Kemi mill and to Valmet that they can keep those persons at their payroll. It is important that those persons are the same for several years, because of the learning curve.´.

*) product and company names changed from Metso to Valmet. Valmet demerged from Metso on December 31st 2013 and acquired Metso’s Process Automation System business and products on April 1st 2015.

With professionals from Valmet we go through needs of development and that’s the heart of our Long Term Service Agreement with Valmet. Doing things together, finding solutions together. With the co-operation agreement we plan to stay in the front line of the development.”
Pekka Posti, Operation Manager of Power Plant and Recovery Line


Location Metsä Fibre Kemi mill, Finland
Customer challenge Energy efficiency, reduction of emissions and better availability of recovery boiler.
Solution Long-term service agreement regarding recovery boiler and evaporation plant.
Results Within the development agreement Metsä Fibre achieved targets regarding energy efficiency, got new air preheaters and reached their targets for better availability of recovery boiler and reduction of emissions
Keywords Energy, Europe, Performance services