Debottlenecking of paper machine and tissue machine at Orient Paper Mills
Oct 4, 2022
The mill was not able to run the tissue and the paper machine at design speed due to vibrations. The issues were resolved successfully and paved the way for a performance agreement to improve production and efficiency improvement of the two machines.
Orient Paper Industries, India
Tissue machine
The machine was designed to run at 1800 mpm but it was not possible to increase the machine speed to more than 1200 mpm due to vibrations.
Paper machine
The machine was designed to run at 585 mpm but it was not possible to increase the machine speed to more than 420 mpm due to vibrations
By conducting an audit Valmet checked the mechanical stability of the machine components and drive capacity for operating at design speed by:
Alignment check for rolls and drive shaft for the tissue machine
Vibration audit for main machine components
Tissue machine
Rolls and drive shafts misalignment were corrected, and the machine was tested for speed trials up to 1800 mpm without paper
Machine speed increased up to 1500 mpm with an average increase of 20 tonne per day produced
A recommendation to rebalancing of some rolls were made
Paper machine
After conducting the vibration audit, it was evident that the machine has a drive capacity to operate at design speed of 585 mpm
To reach design speed the recommendation was to carry out roll balancing and stretchers required for ramping up the speed to design speed
Key words
Board and paper, tissue, Asia-Pasific, improvements