Condition-based roll maintenance mindset at Anhui Shanying
Dec 1, 2021
In 2016, Shanying International invested in Valmet’s online condition-monitoring system to monitor the key rolls of five paper machines at Anhui Shanying in China. To ensure effective maintenance and troubleshooting, a comprehensive Roll Service Agreement initiated in 2017 has recently been renewed. The aim of condition monitoring is to eliminate problems in the early stage to enable efficient operation and maintenance practices to extend roll lifetime.
In 2019, for example, the project team detected more than 30 potential damage issues and prevented more than 10 unplanned shutdowns.”
-Mr. Liu Wenming, Executive Vice General Manager, Anhui Shanying Paper
Anhui Shnying, located in Ma’anshan City, China
The first of its kind roll service agreement project in China with combined remote condition monitoring.
Roll condition monitoring with Condition Monitoring Analysis and Diagnostics service using Valmet DNA Machine Monitoring system allows Valmet experts to remotely monitor the roll condition.
The Roll Service Agreement covers roll grinding, recovering and reconditioning, with roll condition monitoring of 48 paper machine rolls, including for example, suction and deflection-compensated rolls.
Significant reduction in maintenance costs
Minimized unplanned shutdowns
Extended roll lifetimes
Mill’s maintenance team’s competence has improved
Helping the mill to build a preventive maintenance mindset
Board and Paper, Agreements, Rolls, China, containerboard
Unplanned shutdowns caused by roll failure have been reduced to almost zero.”