Valmet Brown Stock Quality Analyzer starts up successfully in Hokkaido Mill-Asahikawa, Nippon Paper
Apr 17, 2019
Valmet Brown Stock Quality Analyzer has started up successfully at Hokkaido Mill-Asahikawa, Nippon Paper, Japan. Hokkaido Mill purchased it for its batch digester operation, producing soft wood pulp. The mill has been utilizing Valmet analyzer since 2003, and has built the good relationship along the years, which has led to install the latest and newest Valmet Kappa Q1 analyzer for the acceleration of process automation.
We are happy to see the smooth start up, although this was the first case of Valmet Kappa Q1 installation in Asia Pacific. One of Valmet Kappa Q1’s strength is highly evolved automatic consistency adjustment function. In addition, shutdown and startup of the main unit is very easy. It makes the maintenance work easier and analyzer more durable. Furthermore, we appreciate the good trainings from Valmet’s local professionals.
Mr. Hiroyuki Hasada, Senior Staff of the Mill’s Engineering Department
Hokkaido Mill-Asahikawa, Nippon Paper, Japan
Batch cooking process optimization
Valmet Brown Stock Quality Analyzer (Valmet Kappa Q1) provides increased measurement frequencyof Kappa number in high yield kraft pulping. Fast and stable measurement results with automatic smaple amount adjustment.
Fast, accurate and stable measurement. Make the operation and maintenance work easier. Remote connection is accessible to check the product status and for troubleshooting.
fast and stable Kappa measurement, pulping, batch cooking, Japan