Customer case:

Vallvik - A successful project with innovative customized solutions

Feb 22, 2018

One of the bottlenecks at Vallvik was the pulp mill’s worn-out prescreening equipment. Upgrading the prescreening equipment is part of the Rottneros “Agenda 500” program to increase the mill’s capacity. Valmet’s delivery included basic project design, removing the existing filters, installing our equipment and platforms, as well as inspections and commissioning.

Many of these customized solutions were created from scratch by the very dedicated and talented project team. Thanks to all the planning before the shutdown, we managed to stick to our timetable and successfully commission the wash press.
Per-Arne Nilsson, Vallvik Mill’s project manager


Location Vallvik, Sweden
Customer challenge Pulp mill’s worn-out prescreening equipment. 

Valmet’s delivery included basic project design, removing the existing filters, installing our equipment and platforms, as well as inspections and commissioning.

First phase was completed in fall 2016 and involved a conversion to a three-stage screening room.

In the second stage, a wash press replaced two older screening filters, making a capacity increase to 40 adt/h possible, and – more importantly – a reduction of COD discharges from the mill, thanks to much more efficient washing.

  • Successful project collaboration - Saved an impressive 24 hours of assembly time
  • Wash press installed rapidly and smoothly in existing premises