Customer case:

Meri, Multipurpose Vessel

Jul 5, 2018

Minister of Transport Merja Kyllönen christened multipurpose vessel Meri in June 2012. This next generation ship represents environmental friendliness and energy efficiency. The high-quality vessel naturally needs a high-quality automation system, which is provided by Valmet.

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The vessel represents the next generation of ships, especially in terms of fuel consumption, versatile functions, environmental friendliness, and energy efficiency.
Jussi Mälkiä, Chairman of the Board of Meriaura Ltd.


Location Sailing in the Baltis Sea area with several tasks.
Customer challenge A ship with challenging and demanding projects worthy of high-technology automation.

Valmet DNA automation solution
represents an environmental friendly and long
life cycle approach.


Three control rooms located in various parts of the

A remote display for possible alarm situations will
be located on the ship.

Valmet DNA takes care of the management of the
diesel electric power plant.

Valmet DNA handles the control, alarms and
monitoring of the machinery plant.

Keywords Marine, Valmet DNA, Multipurpose vessel