Customer case:

Rauhalahti - Integrated condition monitoring keeps CHP plant online

Nov 4, 2015

Jyväskylän Energia completed an extensive automation renewal project at its Rauhalahti power plant in Jyväskylä, Finland. Since its startup in 1986, the power plant had been controlled by a Valmet Damatic automation system. With good experiences of the Sensodec 6S system at the company’s newer production facility in nearby Keljonlahti, integrated condition monitoring was also included in the new DNA automation system.

We can plan ahead and, if the need arises, back down on the power and repair a blower for instance before any real damage occurs.”
Toni Hult, power plant revision engineer


Location Rauhalahti power plant in Jyväskylä, Finland
Customer challenge An extensive automation renewal project.
Solution The renewal project replaced PLCs in the burners, ash handling and water treatment and sootblowing processes to include a plant-wide energy management system, including multipurpose reporting applications as well as fuel management. Integrated condition monitoring was also included in the new Valmet DNA automation system.
Results The investment cost for Jyväskylän Energia was lower as both the control and condition monitoring applications share the same system resources, such as the operator stations and the history database. System maintenance is also simplified and more efficient with all applications configured and maintained in the same engineering environment. The DNA integrated condition monitoring system provides continuous monitoring of vibration levels in key machinery.
Keywords Energy, Europe, Automation