Customer case:

QCS Maintenance: uptime plus extra value by On-site Expert

Aug 19, 2015

QCS Maintenance: uptime plus extra value by On-site Expert

"Much credit for the improved grade change performance goes to the expert service representative by connecting with the mill process and process operators. He creates his own solutions proactively, even before the mill people have seen the problem. Our service is very much about personal communications. We rate the service as A+.”
Mill Production Manager


Location Europe
Customer challenge Since the QCS startup in 2007, the mill has focused on grade change performance as a key metric of continuing system performance.
Solution On-site Expert service for 20 hours per week with on-call response in emergencies.
Results In 2007/2008 1.7% of the production was lost as rejects during grade changes; now it’s 1.0% (a 40% improvement) and it was 0.9% during October 2013.
Keywords Board and paper, Europe, Maintenance