Customer case:

Mpact Piet Retief trusts Valmet Blade Consistency Measurement

Feb 1, 2021

Mpact Piet Retief manufactures recycled-based packaging and industrial paper grades. They recently replaced old blade sensors in pulper, dump tank, and chests by installing new 4th generation Valmet Blade Consistency Measurements. All units operate in the range of 1.6 – 6% Cs.

Blade consistency sensors in pulper, dump tank and chests
Instrument department is satisfied with the improved correlation and Paper Manager is very happy with the results and commented that the instrument call outs for consistency had decreased since the installation.


Location South Africa
  • Unstable measurement with lack of correlation
  • Repeated re-calibrations

Grubbens pulper

  • 100% virgin pulp from digester, screening and cleaning take part in digester. Pulp blended in different ration, softwood/hardwood 60/40 50/50

NSSC dump tank

  • Pulp from NSSC dump which is made of different ratios from digester, soft wood, and hard wood.
    On a normal run, the ratio is 60% hard wood and 40% soft wood. This is regarded as 100% virgin pulp in the machine

No. 3 Chest

  • Blending chest which is a mixture of virgin fibers and recycled
  • On HP run blending of NSSC=35-45% and the balance is recycled
  • On Bayplexrun ratio is NSSC=80%, recycled=20%

No. 5 Chest

  • Stock from No. 5 chest made of broke paper from the machine and trims from winder

4th generation Valmet Blade Consistency Measurement with RL sensing element

Results Improved correlation and less need for additional calibrations. 
Keywords Consistency, Automation, South Africa

MPact-Piet-correlation NSSC Dump Tank.PNG

Laboratory correlation of Valmet Blade Consistency Measurement on NSSC Dump Tank.