Casmatic Zephyrus
Discover a more contemporary and environment friendly way to deliver tissue products with the possibility to create mixed product “family packs” according to the consumption of each household.
Casmatic Zephyrus
Discover a more contemporary and environment friendly way to deliver tissue products with the possibility to create mixed product “family packs” according to the consumption of each household.
Samp operational solution - Ecosystem Sam flow
Ecosystem Sam flow has been designed to automatically balance the speed of all machines in the ecosystem, harmonizing the product flow and stabilizing each machine speed.
Perini Mile+ toilet roll converting machine
Perini Mile+ : toilet roll converting machine converts core and coreless rolls. Reduce costs, raw materials, and fuel use. Optimize packaging and logistics.
With over 20,000 systems running in more than 100 countries worldwide we continue to support our customers’ business throughout and beyond the equipment lifecycle.
MyMTC converting line
Ready to introduce interfold products to your line? Remain market-competitive and profitable with the affordably priced customizable MYMTC Converting line.
Insights ● 文章社会责任使整个价值链受益
Insights ● 文章理文PM15 号机干燥部改造
通过将干燥部的第四和第五组双挂烘缸改造为单挂烘缸,理文改善了PM15 号纸机的运行性并缩短了其引纸时间。
Insights ● 文章长期服务协议使Metsä Fibre公司保持领先地位
“维美德公司的长期服务协议,能够确保精通工艺的专家随时可咨询,并能获得最新技术发展的前沿信息。这意味着我们可以更有把握地继续开展业务工作并保持技术领先地位。” Metsä Fibre 公司的经理Pekka Posti 先生说
Insights ● 文章