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Now available: Intelligent roll remote support service

Now available: Intelligent roll remote support service

In these exceptional times, remote services provide papermakers with quick and safe access to Valmet’s expertise. Intelligent roll remote support and data analysis services provide a tool for supporting onsite actions and maintenance, as well as optimizing the papermaking process.

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Remote services prove valuable during the Covid-19 pandemic

Remote services prove valuable during the Covid-19 pandemic

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the remote services option has proven very valuable for many customers. Read about cases from around the world to discover how Valmet’s experts have helped our customers ensure the continuity of their operations with remote tools and connections.

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Valmet Performance Centers provide real value with remote services

Valmet Performance Centers provide real value with remote services

Through remote connections and Industrial Internet, experts can work seamlessly together utilizing analytical tools to solve problems and optimize performance remotely. For customers, this means faster and better service, because they can get the fast response and expert advice they need, anytime and anywhere in the world.

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Keeping it safe and clean with Valmet Drone Services for tissue producers

Keeping it safe and clean with Valmet Drone Services for tissue producers

The newly launched Valmet Drone Services offers intelligent cleaning and inspection solutions for tissue mills and other production areas. With the help of furnished drones, the site can be cleaned and inspected with ease – resulting in a dust-free and safe working environment.

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Hard news for boardmakers

Hard news for boardmakers

As a pioneer in ceramic coatings, Valmet has gathered its decades of experience to introduce a new generation of ceramic roll covers for lead rolls. In containerboard machines, these hard and extremely durable coatings ensure longer run time and better reliability.

Insights ● Customer story
Reliable paper machine clothing gives peace of mind for Ittihad Paper Mill

Reliable paper machine clothing gives peace of mind for Ittihad Paper Mill

The special relationship between Ittihad Paper Mill and Valmet extends from supporting the establishment of the greenfield plant to delivering the mill’s entire production line. Valmet is also the sole supplier for paper machine clothing for the mill.

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Boosting predictive maintenance in fiber processing

Boosting predictive maintenance in fiber processing

Transitioning from a reactive maintenance strategy to a predictive one calls for the 24/7 visibility of the condition of fiber processing equipment. Valmet’s new reliability monitoring systems offer a cost-effective way of achieving this goal.

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Collaboration and process optimization are keys to sustainable improvements for CMPC Maule in Chile

Collaboration and process optimization are keys to sustainable improvements for CMPC Maule in Chile

Situated in central Chile, CMPC Maule is the country’s leading cardboard manufacturers. Thanks to the latest cutting-edge technology and advanced data analysis, they are optimizing their production – with excellent results.

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Drying Section Performance Agreement aims for increased safety and sustainability

Drying Section Performance Agreement aims for increased safety and sustainability

Did you know that the drying section consumes as much as 70% of all energy needed in the tissue-making process and therefore is a tissue mill’s major source of CO2? Or that the huge Yankee cylinder taking care of the drying process is a pressurized vessel filled with hot steam, causing a safety risk if not maintained appropriately?

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Stora Enso Imatra Mills and Valmet celebrate their 50 years of cooperation in air system maintenance

Stora Enso Imatra Mills and Valmet celebrate their 50 years of cooperation in air system maintenance

The first agreement covering air system maintenance at Stora Enso’s Tainio Mill in Finland was signed in March 1974. The long-lasting and successful cooperation, which today covers Imatra Mills’ both units Tainionkoski and Kaukopää, was recently celebrated at the Tainionkoski Mill.

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