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A changing market pushes for innovation

A changing market pushes for innovation

Given all the recent changes in the global markets, the need for development and innovation is now more evident than ever.

Insights ● Forward magazine
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Insights ● Forward magazine
Valmet OptiAir - a complete paper machine process ventilation in one package

Valmet OptiAir - a complete paper machine process ventilation in one package

Drying is the most energy intensive process of the paper machine and it can consume more than 80 % of the total thermal energy. A well-functioning hood, runnability system and heat recovery with air systems play a crucial role in energy efficiency and provide excellent opportunities for reducing costs and increasing the profitability. Valmet’s OptiAir family is designed for optimal and controlled drying conditions and working environment for paper and board machines.

Insights ● Video
The many usages of Microfibrillated Cellulose - MFC

The many usages of Microfibrillated Cellulose - MFC

David Cowles, Global Market Development Manager, Nanotechnologies at Valmet, is the right person to guide us through what micro fibrillated cellulose is and the many different ways it can be used.

Insights ● Video
Let's start a meaningful dialogue with data

Let's start a meaningful dialogue with data

Valmet’s Industrial Internet services are based upon a meaningful dialogue with data. With our know-how in process technology, automation and services, you can turn your data into a valuable asset.

Insights ● Video

Valmet company videos

Workshop services for cooking and fiberline

Workshop services for cooking and fiberline

Good reliability, high performance and spare unit availability are all key requirements for cooking and fiberline equipment. Cooking and fiberline equipment need periodic reconditioning, and guaranteed availability and spare arrangements are needed, for example. Scheduled equipment maintenance in workshops also offers a great opportunity for various upgrades to take the equipment features to the next level.

Workshop services for mechanical pulping

Workshop services for mechanical pulping

Workshop services ensure high availability and optimal performance of your equipment in the mechanical pulping process. Are you utilizing the latest improvements? Do you want to improve maintenance predictability?



With over 50 years of roll manufacturing experience, innovative R&D, and the process know-how of a pulp machine builder, Valmet offers highly reliable roll solutions that provide maximum performance and long roll change intervals.

Maintenance operations master data

Maintenance operations master data

Master data is a solution for managing maintenance operations at your pulp mill. Whether you are using CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) or EAM (Enterprise Asset Management) Valmet can help you to collect data to improve efficiency.
