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LWC machine forming fabric MD ridging problem, a case study

LWC machine forming fabric MD ridging problem, a case study

Distortions in fabrics, such as ridges, cause basis weight profile problems. In this case study, the culprit was found to be a tiny speck of rust - which created a large and expensive problem.

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Hydraulic safety - 5 tips for before, during & after maintenance

Hydraulic safety - 5 tips for before, during & after maintenance

Hydraulic maintenance should be performed by knowledgeable, trained technicians. Here are some tips for safely and efficiently working on hydraulic systems.

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Avoid winder vibration with modern software and hardware tools

Avoid winder vibration with modern software and hardware tools

Some paper grades generate winder vibration. Modern tools help, such as 4-way hydraulic valves, stiffer drums with lower dynamic runout and automated controls.

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Optimizing continuous digester performance (webinar)

Optimizing continuous digester performance (webinar)

Many continuous digesters are operating over design, making the system too sensitive to process disturbances. A Valmet webinar reviewed issues and solutions.

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Biomass combustion improves Trollhättan air quality, case study

Biomass combustion improves Trollhättan air quality, case study

The inhabitants of Trollhättan, Sweden, breathe much cleaner air than they used to years ago. Over 90% of the district heating in Trollhättan is generated by combusting biomass instead of fossil fuels.

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Extended lifetime coater blades feature carbide coating

Extended lifetime coater blades feature carbide coating

Extended lifetime coater blades from Valmet optimize your total coating cost while providing high and stable coating quality. These high quality durable blades are tailored to each mill's process, using our extensive experience with hard coatings.

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Valmet long lasting filter bags deliver the best performance

Valmet long lasting filter bags deliver the best performance

Valmet is the global market leader in disc filter bags, with over four decades of experience. Our bags fit perfectly, last longer, are durable and easy to install.

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Valmet Recovery Boiler Cleaning - simple, efficient and safe

Valmet Recovery Boiler Cleaning - simple, efficient and safe

Valmet's recovery boiler floor washing service, Valmet Recovery Boiler Cleaning, washes the floor along with the rest of the boiler using low pressure water sprays and mixing devices. This decreases mechanical cleaning and reduces floor tube damage.

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Refiners are running at double design capacity, case study

Refiners are running at double design capacity, case study

Valmet's latest refiner turbine segment patterns reduces energy consumption while lengthening segment lifetime.

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Recovery boiler selective catalytic reduction - a retrofit case

Recovery boiler selective catalytic reduction - a retrofit case

SCR – Selective Catalytic Reduction is a well-established and widely used technology for NOx removal from power boiler flue gases. Target emission levels are decreasing and SCR will soon be needed for recovery boilers. This article is an abstract of a white paper which presents a study for a retrofit case using SCR to lower NOx from 200 to 100 mg/m3 (6% O2, dry gas), including implementation of some high power features.

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