Valmet IQ Quality Measurement Maintenance - Tissue

Start date: Aug 13, 2024

End date: Aug 15, 2024

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Your contact for this course is:

Nancy Smith

Phone: +12153933912

This course provides a detailed review of the functions, structures, maintenance procedures of the Valmet IQ Measurement system for Tissue Machines.


Mechanical maintenance and engineering personnel responsible for maintenance and troubleshooting of the Valmet IQ Quality Measurement System. 

What to expect:

-Valmet IQ Scanner mechanical features

-Sensors (IQ Fiber (BW and MOI measurement), and IQ Single sided IR Moisture) 

-Practical exercises are performed using a fully functional Valmet IQ Quality Measurement system including Valmet IQ Scanner, Valmet IQ Fiber sensor and Valmet IQ Single sided IR Moisture sensor

-Use of diagnostic displays and maintenance tools. 

Course Outline 


None, however a basic understanding of mechanics is an asset.  Previous experience with Windows-based programs is also beneficial.