Valmet DNA Engineering I

Start date: Oct 21, 2024

End date: Oct 25, 2024

Location: Norcross, GA, United States of America

Your contact for this course is:

Nancy Smith
Phone: +12154502282

This class provides the learner with a general understanding of the Valmet DNA product line and the skills to create and edit basic control loops and their associated Operator station graphic displays.

Personnel responsible for the application, maintenance and system support of the Valmet DNA Distributed Control Systems.

What to expect:

-Autoinfo Database
-Display hierarchy
-Alarm displays
-Process and system events 
-Naming conventions 
-Applying automation language concepts 
-Creating and editing functional block diagrams and process graphic displays
-Creating and generating trend displays 
-Working with and understanding system modules
-Using Function Testing Tool to examine process logic
-Working with the Windows environment
-Creating project hardware documentation
-Using diagnostics to assess system operations 
-Applying the function blocks of the operator and process stations 
-Using the configuration engineering environment interface function explorer
-Engineering Activity Server concepts 

Course Outline 

A basic understanding of instrumentation and controls. Previous experience with CAD and Windows-based programs is also beneficial.