
In Ergebnisse für

Polymer Concentration Measurement

Polymer Concentration Measurement

The Valmet Polymer Concentration Measurement (Valmet PCM) measures polymer concentration in real time, enabling optimization of polymer use in industrial and municipal processes. This creates new opportunities for municipal and industrial wastewater plants, as well as paper and board processes. Eliminate the challenges in controlling polymer concentration for optimum performance.

Automation solutions
Sludge Dewatering Optimizer

Sludge Dewatering Optimizer

Valmet SDO controls the sludge dewatering process by optimizing the centrate solids and dry cake solids amount, centrifuge performance, and polymer dosing.

Automation solutions


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CFB boiler operation

CFB boiler operation

CFB boiler operation based on understanding the function and processes of the boiler.

Maxum Bedienung mit GCP-Level 2

In diesem Kurs erhalten die Kursteilnehmer erweiterte Kenntnisse in der Bedienung der GCP-Software. Es werden die Tabellenstruktur der Software und ihre Modifizierung zur Erweiterung der Funktionalität behandelt.

Pilot trials

Pilot trials

Valmet Paper Technology Center provides the world's most comprehensive offering of testing and piloting services to paper and board manufacturers worldwide. Our pilot facilities have the entire process covered, from stock preparation to coatings and everything between, providing customers with excellent service and reliable results to support investment decisions.

Board and paper
Feststoffmessungen für die Abwasserbehandlung

Feststoffmessungen für die Abwasserbehandlung

Valmet Wastewater Measurements bietet Lösungen für die Echtzeitmessung von Feststoffen zur Kontrolle und Optimierung der Klärschlammbehandlung.

Automation solutions
Total Solids Measurement

Total Solids Measurement

Valmet Total Solids Measurement (Valmet TS) is a reliable and accurate microwave real time measurement used to control and optimize the solids treatment process, giving operators information on the total solids 24/7.

Automation solutions
Valmet's way to serve

Valmet's way to serve