Major expansions of the Södra Cell Värö mill

An excellent example of how continuous strategic investment to increase capacity and competitiveness pays off in performance.

A major three-year project to completely rebuild the Värö mill was completed in 2016. As a result, the capacity was increased from 425,000 to 700,000 tonnes per year. The modernization made it possible for the mill to supply 1.6 TWh of green energy annually.


Most of the process islands in the expansion project were either upgraded or replaced. Valmet delivered the equipment and installation for an additional wood room and a new continuous cooking plant, a major rebuild of the recovery boiler, and upgrades to the fiber line, pulp dryer, flash dryer, baling, and evaporation and white liquor plants.

The latest expansion project was successfully started up in October 2021, six months ahead of the original plan. Valmet was a key partner in the capacity increase and two sub-projects on the fiber line and pulp drying line.

In designing the upgraded technology for the Värö expansion, the key drivers were optimizing pulp quality and production costs, and maximizing yield, environmental performance and energy efficiency. This rebuild was unique, because the existing mill was rebuilt while normal pulp production continued at full capacity. The approach meant that all processes were interdependent and therefore extremely sensitive to possible disruption and delay.

Our cooperation continues with the upgrade of fiberline, recausticizing plant and pulp drying line. The new projects are part of the mill’s Expansion Värö 2.0 plan to increase the capacity to 850,000 tonnes per year.

The following process steps have had major rebuilds/upgrades:

Södra Cell Värö pulp mill - virtual tour of the expansion project

Södra Cell Värö pulp mill – experiences of an expansion project

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